Webinar: Practical steps to engage suppliers for EUDR compliance ft Soil Association

What is Chain of Custody?

Chain of Custody (CoC) refers to the process of documenting and verifying the sequence of custody and control over materials and products within a supply chain.

In the context of supply chain traceability, CoC is crucial for ensuring transparency from origin through to the final consumer. This involves recording each transfer of material from one handler to another, including harvesting, processing, transportation, and distribution. 

For traceability companies, establishing a clear and auditable CoC is essential for certifying the authenticity of products, validating sustainability claims, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. CoC serves as a backbone for systems aiming to ensure ethical sourcing, prevent counterfeiting, and support responsible environmental and social practices within supply chains.

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Timber Traceability

Timber Traceability refers to the ability to track the origin and movement of timber and timber products through all stages of the supply chain, from the forest to the final consumer. This process involves documenting each step of the journey to ensure the legality and sustainability of the timber sourced.

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